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Ammonia (N), 0-10,00 ppm and 0-150 ppm.Type: Vacu-vials

63.00 €
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CHEMetrics catalog No.: K-1513*
Range: 0-10.00 ppm & 0-150 ppm
Method: Direct Nesslerization (extended shelf life)

The K-1513 Vacu-vials Ammonia Test Kit comes in a cardboard box and contains everything needed to perform 30 tests: thirty ampoules, Stabilizer Solution, 25 mL sample cup, 3-mL syringe, ampoule blank, and instructions. Ammonia concentrations between 10 and 150 ppm can be determined using the 3-mL syringe and dilution instructions included.

This kit requires the use of the V-2000 or V-3000 Photometer, an A-2024 SAM Photometer (Auxilab code NFC011), or a spectrophotometer capable of accepting a 13 mm diameter round cell. Instrument sold separately.

This test kit can be used to measure the concentration of ammonia in seawater by using the A-1503 Accessory Solution Pack (sold separately).

During storage at room temperature, this kit has a significantly longer shelf life than our other ammonia Vacu-vials kits that employ the Direct Nesslerization method. K-1513 is offered as an alternative to kits K-1503 (NBC010) and K-1523 (NBC011) when a longer shelf life is desirable and refrigerated storage is not an option.

Shelf life: 12 months

Analysis Time: 2 minutes

*Contains mercury. Dispose according to local laws.

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